Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Gender Roles

When our family goes to a restaraunt my nieces and nephews behavoir is almost predictable. While waiting for our meal, my nephews are chopping their crayons with a knife and on the other hand my nieces are coloring so quietly and acting pretty civil. There were such distinct differences in their behavoir at the restaurant that it is pretty evident. Some might argue that men and women should be treated equally in every way and that there are no gender differences. There is no doubt that there are inborn gender differences. These gender differences are good because they fulfill our roles and creates purpose in life. When we understand our differences between genders we are more accepting and can balance our roles. It is fascinating to learn that women make more eye contact, have better memory detail and finer motor skills. On the other hand, men are more aggressive, direction oriented and stronger. As a family we shouldn’t have rigid roles and not work together but instead have our gender differences complement each other. A married couple will have the same goals for their family but they have different ways of accomplishing them. When we respect our gender differences we are becoming more unified as a family and following Heavenly Father's plan. One gender is not better than the other but we are equal in purpose.

I grew up on a cattle ranch and gender roles were clearly defined. It was expected for my brothers to work but not for my sister and I. I’ve asked my father many times why working on the farm was not expected of us. He told me that working on the farm was hard labor and he never really thought about it. Also I never had a desire to work on the farm either. I believe my father did a service by gently guiding our roles. When we know our gender roles there is more stability in our lives.

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